Michelle Rider known as Shelly Belly aka 'Not your ordinary Southern Bell' has taken the comedy and social media scene by storm. Shelly Belly has become one of the top sought after female comedians throughout the United States delighting fans with her hilarious standup comedy.
Michelle has branched out, taking her quick wit comedy routine from her front porch of South Carolina to the main stage traveling throughout the United States and selling out shows. Michelle's relatable comedy consists of saying the things that we all think about and want to say it.
Michelle 'aka Shelly Belly' began her comedy career performing contagious every day comedy on stages across the Southeast gaining attention in the comedy world. Michelle's career took off after releasing her comedy skits "Shelly Belly Comedy" online earning her millions of views on social media platforms as 'Shelly Belly'. Studio Lambert discovered Shelly Belly on her social media platforms and chose her to be on the on the number one reality show "The Circle" Season 3 on Netflix.